Wellness Services

我们提供全面的健康和保健资源,不仅是护理 当你感觉不舒服时,教你如何积极主动地照顾自己 并学习与健康生活、压力管理等相关的终身技能. 

学生 Wellness Center

与宾夕法尼亚大学医学院兰开斯特综合健康中心的医疗保健合作伙伴关系 健康中心是一个完全集成的中心,提供无障碍,保密,高 优质的医疗和心理健康服务,以支持学术和一般健康 of students.

DipCares Wellness Program

许多学生在大学期间都会面临阻碍他们成功的挑战. DipCares is a wellness program 在F&M that directs you toward the supportive resources 在你需要的时候,你可以找到他们并寻求帮助 ensures faculty and staff know how to help you if you’re distressed.

Mindfulness 在F&M

Mindfulness 在F&M is a program that works with students, faculty, and professional 员工促进福祉,同情和整个校园的新意识. 认识到培养正念练习能带来的好处,正念 在F&M提供讲习班和机会,包括瑜伽、自然漫步、读书俱乐部、 day trips, overnight retreats, and 更多的.

学生 Accessibility Services

学生无障碍服务办公室(SAS)与残疾学生一起工作 确定合理的住宿条件,并确保所有人都有平等的机会 aspects of their education. Accommodations may include academic, dining, and housing 需要.

学生 Wellness Education and Violence Prevention

的 Office of Wellness Education and Violence Prevention (WE-VP) 在F&M provides education 以及校园社区关于性暴力和关系暴力等话题的资源, 健康的人际关系,心理健康,旁观者干预,性健康等等 更多的.

Title IX

1972年的教育修正案第九条禁止基于性别的歧视 任何接受联邦政府资助的学校或其他教育项目. F&M的第九条办公室致力于确保学院遵守这一基本原则 并营造一个没有歧视的生活、学习和工作环境 and harassment.

Academics & Wellness

我们相信,在大学取得成功的最佳条件是你的全人——学业、 personal, emotional, and physical — is engaged. Learning is optimal when stress is minimal. 正因为如此,我们将健康计划纳入所有的学术支持 programs.

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健身 & Recreation

定期参加体育活动是你能做的最重要的事情之一 do for your overall health. With our recreation facilities, club and intramural sports, 健身课程等,你会发现一个很好的方法来锻炼一个健康的汗水的同时 learning lessons in leadership, teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance.

健身 Classes

的 Department of Athletics & Recreation provides fitness and recreation opportunities to the F&提倡健康的生活方式,缓解压力,并鼓励 positive social interaction. 健身 classes can be in-person, virtual, or hybrid, 包括瑜伽、力量训练、游泳课、水球、巴雷等等.

Club Sports

俱乐部体育是各种传统和非传统的竞技活动 在联赛和锦标赛中与其他学院和大学的俱乐部球队比赛 from around the region and country. F&M club sports include equestrian, ice hockey, 男子橄榄球,女子橄榄球,男子足球,女子足球,极限飞盘和排球.


校内(im)是一天的比赛,特殊事件和联赛的集合 that encourage collegiate competition between F&M student-organized teams. All current 学生、教师和专业人员都有资格参加IM活动. 目前处于赛季的大学运动员没有资格参加联赛 but are able to participate in any one-day tournament or special events. IMs vary in their competitiveness from activity to activity and from team to team. Examples 体育项目包括篮球、地滚球、曲棍球、躲避球、橄榄球、匹克球、 soccer, and spikeball.

校友 Sports and 健身 Center (ASFC)

Commonly known as the ASFC, the 校友 Sports & 健身 Center offers a field house with a suspended indoor track, aquatics center and fitness center.

Mayser Center

Mayser Center is the hub of Franklin & Marshall athletics. 的 building is home to 该部门的行政办公室,更衣室,运动医学和康复 rooms, and the equipment room. 的 building services over 600 athletes competing in 28 sports each academic year. Mayser Center also features a gymnasium, squash courts, and the Roy Phillips ’34 Wrestling Room.

Diplomat Strength Center

外交官力量中心是外交官的力量和调理之家 varsity athletic teams. It is also available to the rest of the student body, faculty and staff members. 的 Diplomat Strength Center was remodeled in the summer of 2023 并配备了动态强度和最新的强度设备 健身.

Diplomat Athletics

F&M是保持卓越学术水平的精英文理学院之一 标准,同时也竞争在三级竞技在非常成功的水平. 我们拥抱竞技体育的教育价值,并组织我们的运动员 programs to maximize their contribution to student development. We view the athletic 经验作为帮助学生最大限度地学习和成功的框架 aspects of college life and beyond.

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Public 安全 & Emergency Services

任何时候,白天或晚上,学生都可以放心,有培训,有执照 professionals available and ready to support them when needed.


Public 安全

F&M的公共安全部(DPS)是一个被认可的执法机构 campus committed to making the F&M community a safe one for living and learning. 的 团队每天24小时工作,为学生,教职员工, and visitors.


F&M Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Emergency Medical Services

F&M紧急医疗服务(EMS)是获得许可的基本生命支持(BLS)单位 the Pennsylvania Department of Health. 的 team provides emergency response to the members of the F&M and surrounding Lancaster City community.


Workplace 安全

Environmental Health, 安全 & Risk Management

F&M’s Office of Environmental Health, 安全 & Risk Management helps ensure a safe 工作环境为我们的学生,教师,员工和邻居按照 with federal, state, and local regulations.

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Workplace 安全 Committee

工作场所安全委员会负责协调、评估和应对校园安全 问题. 他们的目的是减少与工作有关的伤害/疾病的风险,同时 promoting a positive and proactive safety culture. 

No Matter What, Support is Available

如果你被困住了,需要帮助——不管是什么问题——你都可以开始 与你的学院院长或住房顾问(HA)交谈,他们可以指导你 to the right place. We just want to make sure you know you are not alone, especially when you are struggling.